
Everything You Need To Know About Your Brakes

If you’re experiencing some issues with your vehicle’s braking system, it may be time to consider getting new brakes, but before you do, it’s important to know that you’re getting into. Here’s everything you need to know about new brakes. It is recommended to inspect your vehicle’s brakes at least once a year or every […]


April 24, 2023

Driving in the rain.

Tips For Driving in Heavy Rain

It goes without saying that if you don’t have to go out in a torrential downpour, then don’t. If you have the choice, stay home.  But, there are instances when staying home isn’t an option. Maybe you need to pick up your kids from soccer practice or have to go to the airport or some […]


January 11, 2023

Tips To Get Your Vehicle Unstuck in the Snow

Imagine you are on your way to your holiday destination when out of nowhere your vehicle begins to slide and you find yourself in a snowy ditch in the middle of nowhere. Knowing how to get out of this situation quickly can mean the difference between waiting for hours until help arrives and getting yourself […]


December 6, 2022

Emergency Checklist for Holiday Road Trips

It is getting to be that time of year again and many of us are planning road trips to visit family for the holidays. While most of us will get to our destinations without incident, we can never predict an accident. So, it is better to be prepared especially in cold winter conditions. Gerry’s OK […]


November 15, 2022

5 Ways to Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

At Gerry’s OK Tire, serving Abbotsford and Mission area, we believe the best maintenance is preventative. As we near winter, it is a good idea to prepare for bad weather ahead of time. Many of us travel during the holidays to spend time with loved ones so, it is good practice to make sure you […]


November 1, 2022